My 52 Things Project

When's the last time you did something for the first time?

Tag Archives: blog

The Chelsea Football Club in a Pub Experience

Chelsea_Football_Club_HD_Wallpapers (1)

Cost: Free

Remaining Budget:$330.86

So, last Wednesday I woke up with a slight fever and had a bad sinus infection. I was miserable. It has stuck with me all week, so I had to change up my activity for the week. I was really struggling to find something that I was physically capable of doing while feeling sick and constantly swallowing down a combination of DayQuil and antibiotics. Fortunately, Katie Ferris always comes through when I need an activity most!

20150404_113114Katie played goalie on her high school soccer team, and is a HUGE fan of a soccer team called Chelsea. Now, I played a bit of soccer in grade school recess, but I have never actually seen a full blown professional game before. Well, turns out there is a pub in downtown Orlando called The Celt where masses of Orlando soccer fans go there all hours of the day and night to catch their favorite Premier League soccer games. Katie explained that Premier is the soccer version of the NFL. They are the best of the best.

Well, since the Premier League is the best of the best, and Chelsea is the #1 in that league, it makes sense to me that Chelsea is the best soccer in the world. That was a good selling point because it definitely makes it all sound more interesting to watch. Who doesn’t want to watch the best of the best? I mean, even Olympic curling is interesting when you consider that the people on screen are the best in the world at sliding stones on ice into a target area. Even knowing that Chelsea is the best, I still wasn’t sure about going to a pub to watch an ENTIRE soccer game. 90 minutes seemed like a long time to devote to that. My big concern was that it would be about as interesting as professional bass fishing or speed chess. Not only that, I don’t actually know the rules! Katie swore that she would explain everything as it happened, so I decided to go with it.


The moment we walked into The Celt we went ahead and ordered our beers while finding rock star seats front and center in front of the bar TV. Funny thing about Katie and I, I have known the girl for about 5 years and we have never really changed our drink orders. Katie ordered a Black Velvet (Guinness/Cider), and I just ordered a pint of Guinness. Yum! Not sure if it is advisable to be drinking pints of beer while sick and on antibiotics but it didn’t kill me so…Win!

Well, the game kicked off (Sorry if I use football terms, I don’t know soccer lingo) and the pub was packed. There were fans all over the place! Chelsea was playing a team called Stoke City. I was really impressed by the tempo of the game. I always assumed that soccer would be a bit like golf, really slow moving and limited scoring opportunities. I was right to an extent, there were not many goals scored, but everyone got excited every time the ball was in the scoring area. It was the same kind of excitement that you feel during a football game when the ball is on 1st and goal. 20150404_135316

The fans shown on tv that were sitting in the stadium were amazing! I thought that UCF football fans were dedicated, these guys take it to all new levels. There were guys beating drums, waving flags, and they were all standing and cheering throughout the entire game. No body paint though. I think it must be too cold over there for everyone to go to the games shirtless.

I spent the first 45 minutes (there are 45 minutes in a half) asking Katie questions non-stop. “Why was a yellow flag thrown? Why does this guy get a free shot on goal? Why is the goalie kicking the ball? I bet you that that ref has to be in as great of shape as the soccer players themselves! Are there timeouts? What is the defensive strategy here? Why are those guys lined up and protecting their balls? Do they not wear cups?”

Katie was super patient and answered everything WHILE watching the game WHILE participating on a Chelsea fan group text about the game. Amazing friend!

I really started to get the hang of it all by the 2nd half. It took 45 minutes of Katie’s soccer tutoring and two pints of Guinness, but I am finally a fan of soccer! I think that in the future I will be cheering for Chelsea, and I am also going to start to pay more attention to the Orlando City Soccer team. They seem to be doing really well in the MLS, so why not watch them right!? I wonder how they would hold up against Chelsea?

Overall, this was a really cool experience. I wasn’t really sure what to expect, but I really enjoyed doing this. More importantly, this is something that I can see myself doing again in the future. If anything, it is something to pass the time during football off-season. There is nothing for football fans during the spring time aside from college spring games and the draft anyway. To make it worse, only the first day of the draft is actually worth watching. So there is pretty much nothing all spring. I really want to watch the Chelsea vs Manchester game next week. Super excited to have a soccer team to cheer for now!

OK, so here is my conclusion.

Dear Americans,

We dislike soccer because it is not as interesting as Football, but give it a chance! It isn’t half as bad as we are all assuming.

Your friend,



The Star Flyer Experience

Cost: $7.00

Remaining Budget: $461.81

Pretty much everyone that lives in Orlando has worked for Walt Disney World at some point in their lives. I was no exception. Even though I lived over an hour away I still worked there throughout my entire college career. Everyday, I would drive down Interstate 4 and see these crazy rides shooting off at the Magical Midway in I-Drive. They were all lit up and hundreds of feet tall so it was pretty hard to miss. Each day as I drove past them I would laugh at how insane all the people paying big bucks to ride those rickety crap rides seemed. Only a tourist would be dumb enough to pay money to risk their lives like that. I mean, I never had even the smallest desire to try any of them out. Not only that, they are indisputably dangerous. Seriously, it is the Magical Midway, and that place is a dump. If you don’t believe me then google the reviews. If you can’t find the reviews then just try searching “Florida’s Eternal Ghetto Carnival”. In the past few years there have been both deaths and severe accidents at the thrill park. Not an appealing fact. I always looked at the place and said “I would never do that.”

Never say never friends!

If this blog has taught me only one thing then it has taught me that amazing experiences can be found in the most unlikely of places. I had success at the Magical Midway once, so I thought I should probably try again.

A million years ago (8 months ago to be exact) I had one of the scariest experiences of this entire project when I tried out the Tallest Sling Shot in the World. Not an exaggeration, it is actually the tallest in the world.

Week 4: The Worlds Tallest Sling Shot Experience

Anyway, I have slowly been trying to conquer my fear of heights since then. I have tried a high jump into an air bag and the flying trapeze, but I am still terrified of heights. Honestly, after the trapeze I just wanted to take a break from high places for a little while. Those experiences were pretty darn stressful for me, but I decided a couple weeks ago that it was time to make another attempt.

Right next to the Sling Shot at Magical Midway is the Star Flyer.


I don’t really know how to describe it better than by calling it a giant twirly swing set. I mean SUPER GIANT twirly swing set, this thing is 230 feet tall! There is a rumor that one twice as big is going to be built in Orlando by 2016, but for the time being I think that this one is the tallest around.

An interesting note: This ride has some really bad Orlando history. In 2011 a guy, the exact same age as me, fell off the ride and died instantly. So why would I ride it knowing that? I didn’t know that. I JUST found it on Google…..Officially horrified and sad.

My brother was kind enough to keep me company for this adventure. This all went much quicker than the Sling Shot. I think that I must be getting better at the “extreme” activities because it took Katie and I well over a half hour to finally take our seat on the Sling Shot, but Mike and I just walked right onto the StarFlyer without a problem.It may also be because both Katie and I were terrified of the Sling Shot while Mike had zero fear whatsoever of the StarFlyer. I didn’t even have time to freak out, I was too busy chasing him and his super long stride up the queue. That made it easier. I didn’t freak until the ride started this time. About half way through the ride I was confident enough to pull out my camera.

Once my heart started up again it became a really nice ride. In fact, if a 400+ foot one is built in Orlando then I think that I may go and try it out. Weirdly enough, I didn’t get as much of an adrenaline rush out of it as I had hoped. I guess that means that I will have to find something even more thrilling soon. I really want that adrenaline high again.

If you have any ideas please let me know. The only problem is that they have to stay within the blog budget. I have 15 weeks left and only $461 to spend.


The Bubble Soccer Experience

Cost: $20.00

Remaining Budget: $468.81

“If I had to compare this sport to one thing I would probably say that it is like ice cream.”

I probably gave JT, the owner of the bubble soccer place, a really strange look when he said this. I mean, could actually feel the look bizarre expression growing on my face as he said it which is never a good thing. I think he must have noticed it too because he immediately added, “And by that I mean that you just can’t leave here without a smile on your face. You know how you always leave the ice cream shop smiling? Yeah, you leave here smiling too.”

JT could pretty much compare bubble soccer to whatever the hell he wanted and I wasn’t going to give a hoot because he was GORGEOUS.

I am one of those very unfortunate women that become extremely stupid in front of attractive men. Yeah, I would consider myself a feminist 9 days out of 10 (The Charlotte Bronte type of feminist, not a bra burning hippy) but I utterly fail when approached by a good looking guy. I always determine to be the heroic Jo March, Jane Eyre, or even the scandalous Scarlet O’Hara, but a simple cute dude can undermine the entire thing and turn me into Lydia Bennet. It is embarrassing.

Anyway, back to bubble soccer. It really is a hard thing to explain unless you have experienced it. JT was kinda right, it is a lot like ice cream. From the moment we started carrying the balls into the soccer facility (it was an indoor soccer field) I was all smiles. Really, you never actually stop smiling. It is just a happy activity.

Week 35: The Bubble Soccer Experience

They were heavy, about 45 pounds per ball, but once the whistle blew it was pretty easy to forget about the weight and just start hitting people. The best part is that you could not get hurt. I mean, I saw some pretty nasty hits from behind, but everyone just picked themselves up off the floor giggling right after. I think it is probably impossible to get hurt in that thing. Like JT told me while we were carrying in the bubble balls, “These are very durable balls. I paid a bit extra, but it was worth the investment. These balls are unbreakable!” Yup, he said all of that with a straight face. This guy obviously spends way too much time playing bubble soccer…..

I need to take a moment to brag. I was never knocked off my feet! I think that all of those years playing on the indo board (a balance trainer for surfers that I used to own even though I have never surfed a day in my life) in college have finally paid off. I also put in about 9-10 goals, which is really something because I was a terrible soccer player in elementary school. I was a chubby kid (it was an awkward stage) and I was pretty much limited to goalie because I was so slow. It is nice to be a somewhat athletic adult that can makeup a bit for those really uncomfortable grade-school years.

Without a doubt, this was one of the most fun activities I have done all year. There are a hand full of experiences that I have continued since first trying them for this project, I think that this will be one of those. For example, I still donate platelets after that first experience a few months ago, I recently did another Paint Night, I want to go to Rocky Horror again, and I now plan to go to pick up bubble soccer at least once a month.

Here is their website in case you are interested in trying this out:

The place is right by UCF and they do pickup bubble soccer every Tuesday night starting at 7pm. Hope to see you there!

I am the only one in shorts, so I am pretty easy to find.

The Teddy Bear Building Experience

20150109_180607Cost: $27.50

Remaining Budget: $488.81

Without a doubt,  a sign that reads “Orphan Teddies Welcomed Here” with 2 frowny face teddy bear cartoons is probably the most depressing entrance to a children’s store that I have ever seen in my life. Who comes up with this stuff?

If my memory serves me correctly, the first “Build-a-Bear” shop popped up in my area when I was in High School. I have always thought that this was a really cool concept, and I have always wanted to go build my own bear. So why haven’t I? No really great reasons for that, just a few of the standard excuses that prevent almost everyone from accomplishing the most simple things on their bucket lists. For one thing, the bears are REALLY expensive. Honestly, another reason was that there was a big part of me that was actually really nervous about this. I didn’t want to look like a creeper old lady all alone checking out a children’s bear shop.  I wasn’t exactly flying trapeze or human slingshot nervous; it was more like a performing karaoke for the first time nervous, which is just as bad in it’s own way. It was a social fear, and those are honestly the fears that I struggle with the most. Like, what would I say to the person working there? How could I justify my almost 30 year old self shopping for a bear skin? Would they give me a weird look? Would it be awkward?

Well to hell with it, I wanted to build a bear so damn it all!

For Christmas my brother bought me a gift card to the Teddy Mountain Bear Factory in Oviedo and I no longer had any excuses to keep me from building a bear. With that, last Friday was the day. I went to the mall just after five and walked straight to the store…kinda.

Technically I walked in, and then I walked straight out. There was a birthday party happening, and there were probably around 25 screaming children actually bouncing off the walls. It was the 7th circle of hell in that bear shop. It never ceases to amaze me how children can completely disregard any and all laws of physics. I mean, it was as if they were made of rubber and could bounce through the room leaving a path of destruction without any physical harm to themselves. I didn’t feel comfortable walking in there without an exorcist ready to go.

Yeah, I got all of that from just a quick glance. I had never seen anything like that in my life. I almost walked into the store a second time but stopped just short of the entrance. I stepped away and just continued to observe the chaos. The place reeked cheap pizza for one thing. I noticed that the parents sat around carelessly chatting and nibbling at cupcakes while their children tried to pull a Shawshank Redemption in the Oviedo Mall. The guy at the front, he was wearing a badge that read “owner”, was running around trying to catch the children that were making an escape. The owner was a bit heavier, an old guy, and he looked like he may have a heart attack if he had to keep running around chasing rabid kids. Every couple seconds the owner would actually yell out “kid on the run!” and the parents wouldn’t even budge.

If I am ever a parent I hope to God that I am at least a little more attentive than that…

I kept waiting for the party to end, but after about a half hour of watching I finally just decided to walk on in and start my bear.

I walked up to the front desk where the owner was taking a rest. I said hello and he slowly looked up. His neck veins were bulging and his face was covered in sweat and was actually tomato red. I thought that that only happened to cartoons but apparently it is a real life thing too.

He gave me a quick run down. The instructions were straight forward.

1. Pick bear skin

2. Stuff bear

3. Pick outfit for bear

4. Pay for bear and go home

Easy enough!


There were probably hundreds of “skins” to choose from. There was even an Olaf bear which was VERY tempting because I ❤ Frozen! There were monkeys, dogs, kittens, panda bears, brown bears, black bears, yellow bears, you name it! I spent a few minutes looking at a really cute monkey, and I had almost made up my mind to pick him when I saw the perfect bear on the opposite side of the store. He was just the right size and had a soft fluffy material.

20150109_174820I walked him up to the stuffing machine and stuffed him up! Then I walked to the clothing wall and decided to put him in some nice teddy pajamas and sneakers. All in all, it took about 20 minutes to complete my bear, and I thought he was the most adorable bear in the shop!

I proudly walked him up to the front when I was done and the shop owner pushed over a basket of teddy hearts.

“Please select a heart and make a wish. After you make your wish put the heart inside your new best friend.”

I picked up a little white heart out of the basket. As I started to think about what kind of wish I should make, I got shoved out of the way by an overexcited child. I guess he wanted to watch me put the heart in my bear,  but instead he just threw me down. He was like a little linebacker. Seriously! I flew about five feet and the owner started yelling, “Who’s child is this?” but got no response. I walked back over to my bear, but got moved out of the way by this superhuman 4 year old again. “Seriously, who’s kid is this? Please come collect your child.” I threw the heart into the bear really quickly and kinda danced around Rosemary’s baby and up to the register.

“Wait, you need a birth certificate for your new pal.”

“No, really I am fine. I don’t need a birth certificate.”

“Yes you do. Who did you make the bear for?”

“Uhh…I made it for me.”

<Awkward pause>

“Ok, then just fill this out.”


And with that, I became the proud parent of a new bear that I built myself!

I went into this experience scared that I would be put into some socially awkward situation. I really feared what people would think of a grown woman walking alone through a children’s shop. Turns out I didn’t need to fear that at all. I did need to fear those children though… I left the horror house before I became the victim of some weird evil child horror movie plot.


My bear is named Mr. Darcy, and I love him most ardently!





The Vineyard Tour and Wine Tasting Experience


Remaining Budget: $516.31



There are a few things that I have been really excited to try since I first thought up this entire project last March. One of the big things on my list that I knew I absolutely had to accomplish no matter what was to tour a vineyard and attend a wine tasting. Mainly because I love drinking wine, but the educational aspect was part of it too….I swear! I took a wine class in college at the Rosen College of Hospitality Management (UCF, Gooo Knights!) but I myself had never physically been to a real life vineyard. It has been on my bucket list for almost 10 years.

The problem is that central Florida does not exactly boast the perfect terroir (fancy word for dirt) for wine production. Florida has a way less than ideal soil type and climate for producing the kind of grapes that you might see in an award winning Bordeaux. So, like many other people, I assumed that wine tastings and vineyard tours would have to wait until I could afford a flight to California or maybe even Washington. WRONG! Turns out we have a very large vineyard right here in Central Florida. And no, it is not just a tourist trap. In fact, it is not even kinda a tourist trap. There were literally NO tourists there. It is a real life vineyard that produces over 500,000 bottles of sweet southern Muscadine wine every year.

Lakeridge Winery ( is situated amongst some of Florida’s only hills in a city called Clermont. Clermont is about 15-20 minutes outside of Disney and they offer FREE tours and tastings for visitors every single day.

My brother and I, perpetually late to everything we do together, walked into the tour room about 8 minutes after it started. Thank goodness the tour guide let us join his group anyway or else we would have been waiting forever… Apparently all we missed was part of the introductory video, so we would get to see the tour in its entirety.

The last half of the video showed us how Florida grapes can be grown and harvested despite the weather and moisture. I thought it was pretty interesting, but my brother seemed 110% engrossed in the introductory film. He would actually react with genuine excitement every time the tour guide on film said something interesting about the grapes. I was a little less enthusiastic. I guess I must be a wine snob… Ugh, I never wanted to become one of those people. Nobody likes a snob! It had nothing to do with Lakeridge itself. It had nothing to do with their production techniques. It’s not like I can even judge since I probably could have never figured out how to make wine in swampy Florida. It’s just that I can’t stomach sweet wine, and I knew that that was all we were going to be getting that day. Oh no, I AM a snob… You know what though, last week I drank a $5.00 bottle of red blend wine and enjoyed it! You can’t get much less wine snobby than that! Alright, I feel better now.

So, when the video finished we were able to take a quick tour of their facility. The tour was really short and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit disappointed by it. The tour guide started the tour and then he was like, “Everyone is pretty much just hear because you want to drink free right?” Practically everyone cheered so off to the wine tasting room we all went.


We were served 8 wines in the tasting room and I was pleasantly surprised by almost all of them. The only time I really struggled was towards the end when the wines started tasting more like a Moscato. Yuck! My brother drank my wines for me once we got to the bottom of the list, which ended up hilarious because all that sugar went right to his head and hit him about 20 minutes after the wine tasting had finished! Ha Ha, better him than me!

The most full bodied wine that was served was the Cuvee Noir Reserve (Not a Muscadine Wine) which I assumed would be my favorite. It was good, but believe it or not the Southern White ended up being my favorite of the day. It was the perfect kind of wine for a beach day with friends. It was medium-ish bodied and had very distinct fruit flavors. Mike and I picked up different things after our first taste. While he got an almost overwhelming grapefruit, I got green apple with a tinge of pear. Turns out we were both right. I have actually never tasted a grapefruit in my life, so I feel like I was at a slight disadvantage.

That was my first sip of Muscadine wine EVER and it was after my first winery tour EVER! Double Whammy. Two birds, one stone!

I almost bought a bottle of that wine. I kinda regret not doing it. The snob in me was actually embarrassed to buy a sweet white wine. Pathetic! I think I will just end up ordering it online and drink it in secret where no one can judge me. Or maybe I will pour it in an old empty Bordeaux bottle and no one will know the difference…unless they see the color. Whatever, I will figure it out!

Mike also liked the Southern Red. It wasn’t 100% my taste, but it would make one heck of a Sangria. Something to consider in the future for sure.


All in all, this was a great experience. There is nothing better than having a long time dream (like going to a winery) that you cannot afford (because California and France are both far far away) and then realizing that you could actually do it for FREE in your own backyard!

52 Things For The Win!


The Parkour Experience

Cost: $13.00

Remaining Budget: $911.96

Week 9: The Parkour Experience

Just over 2 months into this project and still having fun! In fact, I cannot remember the last time that I have had this much fun. I got a little crazy for week 9 with Parkour.

I guess that I should probably start by explaining exactly what this popular new sport entails for those of you that do not know. Parkour is an all-encompassing discipline of movement. Developed in France during the late 80’s, it is basically the art of getting from one place to another in the most efficient way possible. They run, jump, propel themselves off walls and do any number of other movements to get from point A to point B quickly.

So, there I was, preparing to have yet another life altering experience, when I noticed my brother sitting around with his laptop watching the TV. The class was starting in less than 30 minutes, and I didn’t want to be late, but I felt obligated to share this new experience with someone else. I had a sense of responsibility; an intense feeling that I needed to share this experience with the young man wasting his morning in front of the TV. I asked him to join me. “Parkour? I don’t even know what that is Celina.” I kinda stared at him for a minute with my best frowny face on. I figured that this would eventually get him. Grudgingly, he agreed to put on some athletic shoes and join me at the Parkour gym.

Poor guy, he didn’t figure out what he was getting into until we actually walked into the gym. The entire drive there he kept asking, “What exactly is it that we are doing?” My answers were pretty vague. They had to be. To be honest, I didn’t know much more about this then he did. All I knew about Parkour is what I had gathered through watching Youtube videos. I had been Google searching Parkour for weeks, watching countless videos, getting  more and more excited with each video that I watched. The closer we got to the gym the more jittery and excited I got. Finally, I was going to be trying Parkour. It just looked so cool!

“You so owe me a Chic Fil-A sandwich after this, I haven’t even had breakfast yet.” I looked over at him to make sure he was being serious. “Yeah, it’s a deal,” I agreed. I wasn’t excited about that. I dislike fast food. It is all just processed crap. No worse, it is EXPENSIVE processed crap. I knew that if I was dragging him to a Parkour gym then the least I could do was suck it up and enjoy a lemonade and fries though. That is why I agreed. It was only fair…

We pulled into the parking lot and Mike was starting to mumble to himself that he “could not believe that I was dragging him into this.” I put on a big ‘ol smile and said, “This is going to be great! I promise.” It was true, I knew that this was going to be so much fun for both us us. Well, at least I knew that it was going to be so much fun for me. I was really hoping that it would be fun for him too.

We walked into the gym and I saw a giant room full of vaults, poles and tall walls. My stomach dropped down to my now shaking knees. How was I supposed to get my almost 30 year old body up and over these obstacles without breaking a hip? “This is going to be so much fun Mike!” I am not sure if I was trying to convince him or myself.

The class began with warm ups. Warm ups were difficult and already way more exercise than I had anticipated. There were squats, jumps, running in place, high knees, butt kickers, and an assortment of other calisthenics that I was NOT prepared for. Mike was throwing some pretty dirty looks my way. I could almost hear him thinking, “I am never going ANYWHERE with you again.” I probably shouldn’t have lied to him about the amount of athleticism that would likely be required. I had been doing some “cardio training” for about a week or two in anticipation of this class. It was definitely not enough. I seriously regretted not starting my exercise regimen a lot earlier.

Josh, the guy teaching the class, walked us through some basic landings and shoulder rolls. He flew around the gym, gravity not existing in his crazy Parkour world. I looked over at Mike, he looked kinda ridiculous rolling around on the mat, but he was all smiles. He was obviously enjoying himself. I went for my first shoulder roll and “splat” landed flat on my back. “How is this even possible when I am just doing a roll?” Josh walked over and tried to give me some tips, “try looking behind you before you roll…don’t roll so aggressively…try to curl into a ball while rolling…” What he was most likely actually thinking was, “I really really hope that this girl signed the liability waiver. What a clutz!”

Nothing really worked, I landed flat on my back every time. It was embarrassing. I swear that I could do this all in elementary school. I did it over and over and over again, trying to perfect the move, until we ran out of time. “Splat,” every time. “Hey, this is the hardest part of Parkour. A lot of people have a really hard time with the shoulder roll. It comes with time and practice.” I shrugged it off, promising myself that I would eventually nail the, “roll technique.” On the other side of the gym, my brother was finding a lot of success running up the 8 foot call. I was so proud!

The more the class progressed, and the higher the obstacles were, the more panicky I got. My brain started shooting me some pretty unkind messages like, “you know you don’t bounce right? You are just NOT young enough for this anymore. Do you have a death wish?” I guess this must have appeared blatantly on my face because Josh walked up to me and said, “Stop thinking so much.” Yeah, that made sense. I was probably just psyching myself out. I turned my brain off. I went for it! And now, I have the bruises to prove it. Don’t care though. It was worth it.

We spent two hours jumping up/off things, flying over walls and rolling around on the mats. It was every bit as much fun as I had hoped it would be. And Mike was all smiles too! The muscle soreness that I suffered for the next 4 days was not so much fun though…I have probably never participated in such an intense workout in my life.

This was the list of movements that we would be learning in our first class.

This was the list of movements that we would be learning in our first class.

Mike was actually really good. He doesn’t agree, but he is wrong. I wish he would consider actually taking it up as a sport. Oh well. Perhaps I will take it up. I can just picture myself as slim as a Victoria Secret Angel and as strong as Jillian Michaels! Or better yet, I could be one of those people from that TV show American Ninja Warrior!

The gym was amazing. If Parkour only does one thing for you, it will build up your confidence. The small community seems very supportive, and they will help you succeed if you want to. If it only does 2 things then it will build your confidence AND get you into incredible shape. The place that I went to is called Sarasota Parkour Facility. Here is a link in case you are interested in trying.


Week 9: The Parkour Experience